12:57 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Remember that black candle on Hocus pocus?Well i had to make a black candle so here is few pics of my candle making experience of THE BLACK CANDLE!

It will be posted on etsy soon.

Figurine candles!

12:49 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

We dont have these posted in our shop yet but we have them.We actually have lots and lots of them.The french twist is my favorite.Theres a never ending mixture of color that i just want to pour this candle all the time.Its so pretty.

DIY Citronella candles

11:54 AM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Try making your own citronella candles and eliminate mosquitoes while providing a romantic, outdoor setting. Making citronella candles is easy.Follow this step-by-step guide and make your own candles at home.

Materials Needed

Wax - Soy wax is all natural and there are many good reasons to use it.For more info on why soy wax is better please read our blog section on soy wax.But any wax will do.

Citronella - You will need citronella oil.You can find this online at candle supply stores.

Mold - This is the container which you will be pouring the hot wax into. The container is your choice, if you want to get fancy you can but a recycled can or glass will also do.

Container for Melting Wax - Nothing specific, a saucepan filled with water or a coffee tin will do.

Wick - Your candle will not work without a wick. You can purchase wicks at any craft store.

Thermometer - Any form of thermometer will do.

Releaser - Any form of cooking oil or silicone spray will do, as long as it does not have a petroleum base as it may release toxic fumes while burning.

Make the Wick - Soak a piece of heavy string or cord into wax and set to dry on a sheet of wax paper. You can also buy candle wicks instead of making them.
Heat the Wax - Heat your container to approximately 140 degrees and place unmelted wax into it.
Add Citronella - As the wax is melting add 1-2 drops of citronella.
Releaser - As the wax is melting; spray your releaser into your mold.
Stir - Stir the melting wax softly with your wooden spoon.
Pour - Pour the wax into the mold and remember not to fill it to the top. Leave about one inch at the top of the mold.
Wicks - Place the wicks into the melting wax. Hold wick in place either using your hand or tie it to a pencil in order to ensure the wick stays upright and does not fall over.
Set to dry.

Fleur De Lis soap

8:31 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Also have Abercrombie and Fitch type!

New Fleur de lis soap

1:46 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Little black dress scented!Smells amazing.I had to use one as soon as I finished them!
Check them out at our etsy shop.